Impressions of the Outer Hebrides

Impressions of the Outer Hebrides Torridon, Glencoe and the Isle of Skye have drawn landscape photographers and artists over the centuries. The highlands of Scotland are extensive and uninterruptedly breathtaking – a Big Country indeed. This is the internationally perceived face of Scotland – a meticulously sculpted land of peaks, glens, lakes and shoreline. And…

Macro Photography: A Slightly Different Approach

Photographing insects in the field demands higher shutter speeds, a steady hand and a smaller aperture of c.f9 to ensure sharpness. On warm summer days, insects are mobile and easily found. However they provide minimal opportunities to carefully compose an image – they are too busy flying, feeding and living life. Choosing a complementary background…

Wildlife Photography: Photographing Red Squirrels

Wildlife Photography: Photographing Red Squirrels Eurasian Red Squirrels are diminutive, skulking mammals with an extensive range from Ireland through Siberia to Japan. They are very photogenic and have that cute gene that really shouldn’t be a winner when it comes to evolution. Over many years I have collected many poor images of Red Squirrels clambering…

Winter Wetlands: Photographing Whooper Swans

Winter Wetlands: Photographing Whooper Swans A winter wetland has always held a special place in my heart. It presents a unique wildness largely derived by winter wildfowl arriving from Arctic landscapes in early winter. The drama is intensified by birds of prey drawn in to harry prey during the short, cold days. The nervousness of…

Autumn Birches

Autumn Landscape Photographers Diary (Part 1)

An Autumn Landscape Photographer’s Diary Each September, I set out to capture autumn colour in photographs and each September I’m surprised to find no autumn colour – only a worn out post mid-summer green. And each subsequent weekend reveals a slow burn to autumn gold. So next autumn, I’ll set my alarm clock for Halloween.…