2023 A Photographic Retrospective

Introduction It’s only human to slice off a year in a life and consign it to a retrospective of how well the time was spent and what lessons can be carried into the next year as if that makes the slightest bit of difference.  As John Lennon wrote ” Life is what happens when you’re…

Photographic Distinctions: Preparing a panel (IPF)

Photographic Distinctions: Preparing a panel (IPF) The Irish Photographic Federation (IPF) is the umbrella organisation for photography clubs in Ireland. The IPF conducts distinction sittings where photographers submit panels of mounted prints for critique. Successful panels are awarded the relevant distinction. There are 3 levels of distinction to be undertaken in the following order; Licentiateship…

Infra Red Landscape Photography

Infra-Red Landscape Photography In taking the small leap from the Nikon D810 to the D850 a few years back, my D810 was left disconsolate on the shelf collecting dust. Never one to let a good tool go or become redundant, I decided to put it to use by conversion to infra-red. Little did I know…

Autumn Woodland in 2022

Autumn Woodland in 2022 An amateur nature photographer is afforded limited time in the field. Rather than visit many well photographed locations throughout the country to effectively “bag” an image or alternatively bounce from landscape to wildlife to macro, I’ve found it more fulfilling of late to undertake a project, select a genre and set…